Vinyl & Windows Stickers
Silk Screen printing is one of he most versatile of all printing processes. Here at Garville Print, we provide many different processes to suit your needs.
Outdoor sticker will stick to many surfaces. As a general rule of thumb, plastic will stick to any surface that is clean and either smooth or non-porous. To demonstrate the necessary surface qualities, we use glass versus brick as a quick example. Plastic will stick very well to glass. On the other hand, due to its rough exterior, plastic will not stick well to brick.
- Printed colour on a plastic vinyl material
- Stickers can be cut to any shape, think the map of Ireland
- Imagine your logo cut out, now think of the uses
Window stickers will stick to the inside of the glass. Window stickers are placed on the inside of the glass to be viewed from the outside. This makes them ideal for use as car rear window stickers, car windscreen stickers, glass door stickers and shop window stickers. Window stickers ensure high visibility for your promotional stickers.
- Printed colour on a plastic clear vinyl material
- Stickers can be cut to any shape, think the map of Ireland
- Imagine your logo cut out, now think of the uses
Machine Labels
Use machine labels throughout your facility to inform employees of procedures or potential hazards. Place these Do Not Climb, Sit, Walk or Ride on Conveyor Labels on equipment and in work areas to make a positive impact on safety. Most machine warning labels feature pictograms as well as text. Labels are made of self-sticking polyester: an indoor/outdoor, high-performance, pressure-sensitive safety sign material, which is surface-printed polyester with a polyester laminate.
Die Cutting
Die cutting is a manufacturing process used to generate large numbers of the same shape from a material such as wood, plastic, metal, or fabric. The die cut shapes are sometimes called “blanks,” because they are usually finished and decorated before being sold. The process is widely used on an assortment of materials all over the world, and many manufactured products contain several die cut components, often assembled together in a series of steps to create a finished product.
Scratch-off Silver
Scratch-off or silver latex ink is typically used to cover words that when scratched, reveal a hidden message or graphic. We’ve received and handled many requests over the years about producing scratch-off projects.
Dry Gumming
Remoistenable glue jobs are done inline with other binding processes. For example, we may apply remoistenable glue, stop-perforate the sheet, apply seam glue to form a pocket, fold it, apply clip seals, slit it, ink jet, tip-on a card, and keep the job in mail-sort order… all in-line. Needless to say, in-line production greatly reduces turnaround times and cost, making nonheatset web and sheetfed companies competitive on many jobs. Whether the piece is a self-mailer or bound into another product, in-line production is a good value.
Please contact us if you have any enquiries and we will do our best to meet your needs.